In Medicare, there are specific documents that need to be submitted along with your application. The documents that you will need to provide are necessary in determining your past employment, citizenship status, age, and military status. It is necessary that you provide the original documents along with your application, unless otherwise requested. When all of these documents are submitted, your file will be processed and your Medicare eligibility will be determined.

Medicare Documents

Birth Documentation

The Social Security Administration only accepts specific documents to establish your birth place and date. Most people can use their birth certificates. If a birth certificate is not available, you must provide at least two pieces of alternative documentation. Each must be an authoritative, official document, such as a school, medical or census record, or an insurance policy.

Citizenship or Residency

Medicare is only available to U.S. citizens and Resident Aliens, so you may need proof your citizenship to apply. For citizens, a birth certificate and Social Security card usually suffices. Immigrants must provide a Permanent Resident Card to verify eligibility.

Current Insurance Coverage

If you are currently covered through an employer or state-sponsored health plan such as Medicaid, you’ll need to provide information about the insurance. This includes the name of the insurance company, the group and policy numbers, and the name of the employer or state that provides the coverage. You’ll also need to know the start and end dates of the coverage and employment.

Sending Documents

The Social Security Administration requires that you send the originals of any documentation it requests. The preferred method is via postal service. Include your Social Security number on a separate sheet of paper inside of the envelope. You will receive your documents back by mail once your application is complete.

Why Does The Medicare Office Request These Documents?

The Medicare office must verify many aspects of your application before it can be processed. Based on some of the information provided on the application, your Medicare gent must verify all information before a decision can be reached.

What Other Information Might Medicare Require?

Your application will ask for your social security number, place of birth, marital status, wages earned, alias names, names of your unmarried children under 18, and your criminal record. Please be prepared to provide additional information if your Medicare administrator needs clarification regarding your documents or Medicare application.

How Long Will I Have To Wait Before I Get Approved?

The Medicare process will vary depending on the complexity of your situation. Although Medicare agents try to process all applications in a timely manner, there are times where the application process can take some time. That’s why it is always advisable that you have all of the documents needed to complete your Medicare application without further ado. Usually, if your application is processed without any questions or concerns, you may get a decision within 7 to 10 days.

Knowing all these things will help anyone who is planning to apply for Medicare undergo the process a lot easier. When it comes to Medicare it is definitely wise to be informed.