Medicare Supplement Plan F
Medicare Plan F is a form of Medicare Supplement Insurance also referred to as a Medigap plan. Medicare Plan F is the most comprehensive basic benefit plan available of the Medigap policies and will leave the beneficiary with minimal out of pocket expenses for medical and hospital visits.
Medicare Plan F is the most popular Medigap plan. It is the most comprehensive plan and covers the most expenses. Depending on the insurance company who offers the plan, you may find variable rates. This is why shopping with our Medicare Supplement Insurance Agency is important. We offer many companies and can compare them for you to find the right plan at the right price.
Are All Companies The Same Price For Medicare Plan F?
There are many companies who offer Medicare Plan F. While the plan itself does not vary, the pricing can vary from company to company.
Multiple Companies Represented

Do You Have Other Questions About Medicare Plan F Plans?
Do you need help navigating your Medicare and understanding the Medicare options available to you? We’re here to help. Our agency has dedicated ourselves to helping Medicare eligible customers understand their Medicare Insurance and helping you find a supplement plan that works for your situation and budget. Please give us a call.
Is Plan F Going Away?
The correct answer is NO. As long as you were eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.
There was a law passed called MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Re-Authorization Act of 2015) and it effects folks getting Medicare after January 1, 2020.
Here is what you need to know:
1) Anyone eligible for Medicare Part A before January 1, 2020 can enroll in Plan F, Plan C and High Deductible F(HDF) after 2020 and keep coverage for as long as they want
2) Anyone who receives Medicare on or after January 1, 2020 will not be able to buy Plan F, Plan C and High Deductible F(HDF).
3) If you already have Plan F, Plan C and High Deductible F(HDF) in place, you don’t have to do anything. You can keep coverage for as long as you choose. You can stop worrying!!!
4) If you don’t get Medicare until January 1, 2020 or later, you still have some terrific Medicare Supplement options. One option might be Plan G. Plan G coverage mirrors Plan F with the exception of Plan G have an annual Part B deductible. In 2023 the Part B deductible is only $226.00. Once you reach the annual deductible, all covered services will covered, just like under Plan F.
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