Medicare’s open enrollment often runs October to December of the year and this is the time when you can make changes to your Medicare plan. Since insurance plans are bound to change every year, it’s important to review your plans annually at this time to identify any changes that could cost you more money or improve your coverage.

However, it is important to note that when reviewing your prescription coverage, be sure to check that all of your prescriptions are on the plan you are considering. In this case, the plans with the lowest premiums are not all the time the better financial choice. The cost of one month’s worth of one drug that’s not on your plan’s formulary could exceed an entire year’s worth of your monthly premiums. Moreover, aside from reviewing your plans at the right time you should also know the importance of doing so.

Why You Should Review Your Medicare Plan

Your Health has changed

It does not mean that if your plan was right for you last year, it’s still right for you now. New health issues may arise or you may know more about some of your issues than you did last year at this time. Therefore, it will be a great help if you can make a list of any new developments in your health condition over the past twelve months. Then, compare your current plan to others out there to know if you have the coverage you need.

Prescriptions has Changed

The rise for new health issues means need for new medications. There are times when you may change medications for an existing condition. Are all of your current prescriptions covered under your chosen plan? If not, are there generic substitutes or different medications available? Review your current plan and other available plans and see how the costs of your prescriptions compare.

Your Plan has changed

Every year you should receive an Annual Notice of Change. This is a document that outlines any changes to your existing coverage, costs, or service area that will be effective in January of the next year. In this case, it is common for the price of plans to fluctuate. Compare premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses for each plan. Also, take time to shop around to ensure that you’re getting the right coverage at the price that fits your budget.

If a plan is within your budget but does not offer the coverage you need, it’s not a good fit for you. Be sure to review the changes to your existing plan and make sure all of your needs are still met.

You have Anticipated Travel or Relocation

Do you have plans of relocating next year? Do you have a planned vacation? If yes, then you need to be sure that you know where and how you will get care in your new location. Since health issues do not arise at the most convenient times, it’s important to know which doctors you can see and which pharmacies can fill your prescriptions.

When reviewing your plans, be sure to look at every detail to make the most out of your coverage. Also, you should compare plans to see which one best suits your budget and needs.