Medicare Plan N

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Medicare Supplement Plan N offers great value.  Generally speaking when people are shopping for Supplemental coverage they typically are looking at a Plan F.

Medicare Plan N Tampa, Sarasota, Bradenton

Plan F is the “Cadillac” of Medicare supplements. You will never have a co-pay or coinsurance. All you will have to pay is your premium.  You can never go wrong with Plan F.

Plan N  offers you the same access as Plan F. But it  can save you approximately $50 to $100 per month in premium.  This based on your age.  The older you are, the greater the savings. (double this savings if you are married)

Plan N differs from Plan F in these ways: 

Has a Part B deductible of $147 per year.

After you reach your deductible you will have up to a $20 co pay for doctor visits (Primary Care or Specialist).

$50 co pay for emergency room visit. This is waived if your admitted.

No coverage for Part B excess charges (This happens less than 1% of the time.) 

Call me and we can see if Plan N is a better fit than Plan F.

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